About me

I am David Clayton, Artist in Residence at Scala Foundation, provost and Dean of the Faculty of Sacred Arts at Pontifex University, and writer for the House of Leiden art collection in Holland. I am a Melkite Catholic and working artist. I studied physical science at Oxford University.

I am a trained iconographer studying with Aidan Hart, and I studied the academic method at Charles Cecil Studios in Florence. And have written several books: The Vision for You - How to Discover the Life You Were Made For; The Way of Beauty; The Little Oratory - A Beginners Guide to Praying in the Home; Veiling to Reveal - the theology of John Paul II as applied to the human form in art.

About the Way of Beauty

On this Substack, I write about art and culture from an unapologetically Christian perspective. Regular features will include:

  • Commentaries on works of art, especially from the House of Leiden art collection in Leiden Holland. Sometimes, I will feature my own work!

  • Articles about the theology and philosophy of art and culture

  • Information about Scala Foundation events. ScalaFoundation.org has a mission to evangelise American and Western culture through beauty in liturgy and education.

  • Information about the Master of Sacred Arts program at www.pontifex.university

  • Information about the Way of Beauty personal formation. It is based on what would have been given to great Christian artists of the past, less the teaching of actual art skills. It inculcates habits that incline us to be open to divine inspiration and creativity and to apprehend beauty. It is a path of Christian joy.

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Writings on Art, Culture, and Beauty from a Christian Perspective


Artist in Residence, Scala Foundation. Provost and Dean of the Faculty of Sacred Arts, Pontifex University, writer for the House of Leiden art collection in Holland. Melkite Catholic and working artist. I studied physical science at Oxford University